Small Medium Roses With Floral Accent Writing Customization
J$17 000.00
10-12 roses with a number or letters written with small white flowers
What two number or two letters would you like for the white floral accent addition ?
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Please select your choice in rose ( for the colors with prices attached , it is applied per stem selected for the color to be added to )
E.G. You can request 2 gold roses and for the remainder another color that either has a cost beside it or does not .
Would you like to add a customization option?
If you chose customized writing please type what you would like below (max 3 words, 10-15 characters)
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Please select your choice in the color of wrapping paper.
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If you selected "Printed Photos", please upload your photos here. (Each photo costs $600)
If you need more than one of a specific option but can only choose one, please specify the item and quantity here (For example, 5 blue roses or 2 Silver Butterflies)
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In stock
Product Details
1)This blooming Bouquet includes 10-12 roses .
Dependent on the size of the blooms . Quantity selected depends on the size of the blooms but 12 specifically can be requested .